Thursday, 4 December 2008

The Hair of the Dog

Hi Chas… er, I mean Charles. Well actually they’re interested in Pink Dog, which you and I co-wrote. They want to change the words though. It’s for a non-alcoholic champagne called Radish. Or Kangaroo. Or maybe it's pink something... that would make sense. Actually I’ve forgotten. I’ve got the email somewhere.

I called Mr Kleinstein but his secretary wasn’t very bright. I tried to explain who I was but she said Mr Kleinstein had never heard of me, which isn't true. I think there was a party going on. Lots of people were laughing in the background.

I said I was sorry about the mouth harp incident. The bowl had been cleaned out since Trevor died. And I thought water improved a mouth harp's tone.

BTW Whatever happened to that blond bird you used to knock around with. The one with the big... well... you know. She was a goer wasn't she?

Give me a ring. I’m still at the old place.


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