Thursday, 30 October 2008

I Know You're There

Hi Chas,
Yes, I know you're there. I got your email address from Ernie. Do you remember him? He used to work at the Dive Bar. Where we played in the early days. Anyway I met him when I was buying some new strings in that new guitar shop on the High Street. I don't know if you've been over this way recently - but there's a new guitar shop on the High Street. Anyway, I've taken up playing the guitar. I'd gone about as far as I could go on the drums. Also there's the neighbours to consider. Well, I was buying some strings. Some D'Addarios. They're very good. I get them on the internet. And there was Ernie. Large as life. Well, almost that large. And he gave me your address. So. What have you been up to? I've got some other news too. So hurry up and reply.

Your pal


Saturday, 25 October 2008

Getting It Together, Man

Hi, Chas. I thought it would be brilliant to get a blog together of the old band. What do you think? I don't know any of their emails. I don't even know if they're still alive to be frank. Although I'm not Frank. I'm Derek. yes, still the comedian in the band. I've used our original name for the Blog as Blogger wouldn't let me use Blizzard, as we latterly came to be known. I guess there must be another band with that name. Anyway, let me know what you think. I don't suppose you have any of the old tapes we made?